About this website and its author
Le but du site ANGLO NORMAN HISTORY (et de son podcast affilié HASTINGS!) est d'offrir de l'information culturelle et historique sur les rapports entre la Normandie et le Royaume-Uni, de présenter mon travail, et de stimuler l'intérêt du public pour ces deux civilisations fascinantes unies par plus de mille ans d'Histoire.
The purpose of the website anglonormanhistory.fr (and its Hastings ! affiliate podcast) is to offer cultural and historical information on the relationship between Normandy and the United Kingdom, to present my work, and to stimulate public interest in these two fascinating civilisations united by more than a thousand years of History.
Serge Van den Broucke est un journaliste et auteur français spécialisé en Histoire et en patrimoine, passionné des civilisations normande et britannique, et des relations qui unissent les deux cultures. Sa carrière diversifiée couvre plus de quarante ans en France et en Angleterre, dont la majorité dans le domaine de l'architecture, des techniques constructives, et des recherches historiques. Fondateur et ancien rédacteur en chef, pendant quatorze ans jusqu'en 2016, de la revue professionnelle d'architecture patrimoniale Atrium Construction, il a également signé de nombreux articles historiques, des photographies et des essais dans des publications nationales et internationales de renom, il a collaboré à des ouvrages d'historiens, donné des conférences et animé des débats institutionnels dans le secteur patrimonial. Il est, entre autres, lauréat du Prix du Journaliste 2015 de la Demeure Historique. Aléonard/Weinerberger lui a également décerné le Trophée du Patrimoine 2016. En décembre 2022, il a été admis après délibérations en tant que membre de la prestigieuse Royal Historical Society, fondée à Londres en 1868.
Serge Van den Broucke is a french journalist and writer specialising in history and heritage, passionate about Norman and British civilisations, and relations that unite the two cultures. His diverse career spans more than forty years in France and England, with a majority in the field of architecture, constructive techniques, and historical research. Founder and former editor-in-chief, for fourteen years, of the professional heritage architecture journal Atrium Construction, he has also written numerous historical articles, photographs and essays in leading national and international publications, contributed to historians' books, lectured and led institutional debates in the heritage sector. He is laureate of the 2015 Journalist Prize awarded by the Demeure Historique group. Aléonard / Weinerberger also awarded him the 2016 Heritage Trophy.
(Photo Laurence de Terline)
"Why this fascination?", one asks me often.
Normandy, because I chose to live there, far from the futile Parisian clatter and close to the shores of white cliffs, under a sky in the eternally changing light. And because here the richness of the historical heritage is incredible for who knows how to look, together with the splendid landscapes, the great writers and the great remarkable painters.
The United Kingdom, because I observe and study its complex civilisation forever. And because it's
unthinkable for me to be insensitive to the choirs of King's College Chapel in Cambridge, Bath's architectural sweetness, the furious waves beating the rocks of Tintagel, Shakespeare's theater ... or
even a hearty Fish & Chips !
The interactions between the two shores of the Channel through the centuries are as obvious as edifying: from terrible medieval confrontations to the reassuring Entente Cordiale, the fate of England
was often played on Norman land, and reciprocally. From the ship's prows adorned with William the Conqueror's dragons to the familiar sight of today's Transmanche, the sea is more of a hyphen than an
obstacle. And even if the Brexit will undoubtedly bring upheavals, it will not able to tarnish the passion of all history and heritage enthusiasts.
Let's go, the time has come.